Arctic Expedition: Monacobreen Day 3 of 9

Cruises > Arctic Expedition: Monacobreen Day 3 of 9

Embark on an Arctic odyssey with Monacobreen as our captivating focal point. Day 3 unfolds aboard Aurora Expedition’s Ocean Explorer, revealing the frozen beauty of this pristine realm.

Arctic Wonders and Wildlife Encounters

The morning of the third day of our Arctic Expedition heading for Monacobreen began early, around 7 AM. We all felt excited as we set our sights on Texas Bar.

However, we stopped at Reindyr Flyta due to the clear and sunny weather as fog covered the Texas Bar. A thrilling sight awaited us during breakfast – a polar bear gracefully swimming along the water’s edge. We enjoyed an hour-long observation of this magnificent creature in its natural habitat. 


At 9 AM, we heard reports that the bear had returned to land. This was our cue that it was safe for us to embark on a zodiac exploration along the coast.

As we launched the zodiacs, another bear appeared. Meanwhile, the first one briefly dived into the water before returning ashore. This made us even more excited for what’s to come in Monacobreen.

Bathed in glorious sunshine, we watched both bears for a lovely couple of hours. Then, there were rumors of a third bear sighting, adding to the excitement. In the skies above, an Arctic skua put on an impressive aerial display. It playfully harassed gulls and Arctic terns in an attempt to claim their catch. 

Our Arctic Expedition Reaches Monacobreen

In the mid-afternoon, we reached our destination: Monacobreen. The mountains rose majestically around the splendid glaciers, their icy surfaces reflecting the brilliant sunlight, creating a breathtaking sight. A zodiac exploration and kayaking adventure followed, gliding over perfectly calm waters that mirrored the clouds above. 

The glacier treated us to a spectacular show, calving frequently in the warm sunlight. It produced sounds reminiscent of distant artillery fire.

Meanwhile, an abundance of bird life filled the Monacobreen skies. We spotted black guillemots, northern fulmars, Arctic terns, black-legged kittiwakes, and glaucous gulls, enhancing our Arctic experience. 

Also, we were lucky to spot a bearded seal smoothly swimming in the water. Then, we even caught glimpses of beluga whales. Returning to the ship, an adventurous few among us decided to take the polar plunge. It was a thrilling experience accompanied by a shot of vodka as a reward for our bravery! 

After a quick recap and briefing, a delicious dinner arrived, followed by a unique ship exploration near Moffen Island. This gave us a rare chance to see walruses both in and out of the water. 

Wrapping Up the Monacobreen Leg of the Arctic Expedition

At 6:15 p.m., we gathered for another recap and briefing. The evening ended with an after-dinner quiz, hosted by Liz and Tamsin. Their energy created warm vibes for everyone to catch up and share their excitement for the next day’s experiences. 

Finally, as we navigated steadily onward, we couldn’t help but feel grateful. We pondered on the awe-inspiring moments and cherished memories this day had given us. Needless to say, all these made our Arctic expedition in Monacobreen truly special.

Click here to read Day 2 of the Arctic Expedition.

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