Additional Resources

Below you will a list of helpful list of apps and links compiled by our travel professionals. These links are resources that our team trust and they will provide you with any information you may need when managing your travels and will help you with staying connected on the road. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding these resources. Please keep in mind that these resources are managed by third parties and ILX Travel is not responsible for any information posted on these sites.

Check-in and get your boarding passes ahead of time.

Use the links below to learn more about using credit cards and getting cash while abroad.

Below you will find links related to COVID-19 protocol and requirements as well as advisories and information regarding health care while traveling overseas.

Below you will find a list of worldwide travel announcements and advisories.

Weather observations and forecasts.

US customs regulations and Embassy locations.

Use the links below to determine the time at your destination.

Global currency conversion widgets.

Virtuoso is the leading global network of agencies specializing in luxury and experiential travel, with more than 20,000 advisors.