Travel insurance may protect you in the event of Trip Cancellation, Trip Delay, Trip Interruption, Missed Connection, Baggage Loss, Theft or Damage, Baggage Delay, Emergency Medical and Dental Expenses, and Emergency Medical Transportation, among other unforeseen circumstances. Please also note that for you to obtain coverage for certain pre-existing conditions, or for supplier default, your policy must be purchased at the time of booking or shortly thereafter (depending on the terms of the policy). Please understand that we are not registered insurance agents and cannot legally provide specific advice or information regarding insurance.

Click the link below to complete a travel insurance quote request!


At ILX Travel, Inc. we take great pride in creating curated luxury experiences for all our clients. Part of our process is creating and maintaining detailed documentation and records on all our clients’ preferences. If you are a previous client of ILX Travel, then you may have a ready completed a personal profile form. However, if you have not completed a form or would like to update your profile, please click the link below and complete the form and we will update our records.

We look forward to creating your next International Luxury Experience!


If you already have a trip booked with ILX Travel and would like to make a payment towards your trip, you may click the button below and complete our credit card authorization form. When completing the form please include an invoice # or charge description. Please know that this form only serves as an authorization for ILX to charge your card and you will not immediately see a transaction on your credit card statement.

Additional Resources

Below you will a list of helpful list of apps and links compiled by our travel professionals. These links are resources that our team trust and they will provide you with any information you may need when managing your travels and will help you with staying connected on the road. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding these resources. Please keep in mind that these resources are managed by third parties and ILX Travel is not responsible for any information posted on these sites.