Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart Recipe from Euphoria Retreat

wellness > Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart Recipe from Euphoria Retreat
Raw vegan chocolate tart

Are you craving a decadent treat but holding fast to your vegan and gluten-free principles? Look no further than the Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart recipe from the Euphoria Retreat in Greece! ILX Travel’s Wellness Specialist Travel Advisor Jayne Withers shares this yummy recipe.

This dessert has a mix of wholesome ingredients like Medjool dates and cacao powder. It explodes with rich chocolate flavor without weighing you down.

Picture a vibrant tart pan with a deep, creamy chocolate filling nestled upon a crumbly, date-infused crust. Truly, it’s a treat both for your taste buds and your Instagram feed. Surely, this recipe is about to become your new “highly recommended” for any chocolate dessert occasion.

Ingredients for the Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart

This recipe serves 4 to 8. You can make between 4 and 6 individual tarts, depending on the mold size you use. Also, this recipe makes one 9-inch tart, as pictured. Double the quantity for more filling.



Method to make the Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart

Now, it’s time to make the crust and filling.

Tart Crust or Base: 


Now, it’s time to enjoy this tasty Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart with a glass of Red Local Greek wine.

Health Benefits of Raw Vegan Chocolate

This tasty and healthy substitute to classic chocolate bars packs a punch of benefits. All these are without the unwanted sugar, dairy, and processed ingredients.

What is Raw Vegan Chocolate?

Unlike its common counterpart, raw vegan chocolate has unroasted cacao beans. Also, it has plenty of antioxidants and minerals. These precious beans are minimally processed. Thus, it preserves their nutritional integrity and delivers a richer, deeper chocolate flavor.

A Treasure Trove of Nutrients

Cacao, the raw star of the show, is a nutritional powerhouse. Here are some of the goodness it brings:

Why the Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart is Your New Go-To

So, say goodbye to guilt and hello to pure, plant-based bliss. With each forkful of this Chocolate Tart, you’ll fall in love with the smooth, melt-in-your-mouth filling. And who can resist that crunch of the crust?

When wholesome ingredients join forces in a removable bottom tart pan, magic happens. It has maple syrup, coconut oil, and chocolate chips. Surely, this homemade masterpiece will steal the show, special occasion or not.

Trust me, once you experience the magic of the Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart, you’ll never look back. Or, contact ILX Travel to start making your way to the original Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart. Taste it from the Euphoria Retreat itself!

Do You Need Sea Salt in Making Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart?

No, sea salt isn’t essential in a Raw Vegan Chocolate Tart. However, a tiny pinch can add a delightful dimension to the flavor.

Here’s why adding a pinch of sea salt can be amazing:

However, if you’re sensitive to salt or have dietary restrictions, feel free to leave it out! In the end, the decision is yours. Try it with or without a pinch of sea salt and see which you prefer.

Bon appétit!

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